The Magic School Bus [Animated TV Series]
Based on the popular books by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, this television series combines fantasy with science education. Via her magical transforming school bus, Ms. Frizzle takes her curious and often doubting class "into" the natural and scientific worlds. Through their many science lessons, Arnold, Ralphie, Wanda, and the rest of the class travel to outer space, under the sea, and even go through Ralphie's digestive system. Lily Tomlin marvelously captures the energy and mystery of Ms. Frizzle as she was characterized in the Magic School Bus books. The Magic School Bus appeals to children of various ages, as the colorful animation and silly antics of Liz and the bus entertain preschoolers, whilst older children enjoy learning how things work from the inside out. ~ Heather M. Fierst, All Movie Guide
The Magic School Bus: In the Rainforest (Rainforest Ecology)
From the award-winning television series The Magic School Bus comes another animated science adventure tale featuring the wacky and mysterious Ms. Frizzle and her class. The episode "In the Rain Forest" begins when the class rents a rain forest cocoa tree as an Earth Day gift for Ms. Frizzle (voiced by Lily Tomlin). When the tree fails to produce, the Friz takes the class to the cocoa grove to learn for themselves why their tree is ailing. There, they encounter exotic creatures of the rain forest and discover the intricate web of life which sustains all existence within this fragile environment. This episode, as are all the Magic School Bus videos, is based upon books by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan. The program is best suited for children ages six to 12. ~ Sally Barber, All Movie Guide
The Magic School Bus: Holiday Special (Recycling)
The "Holiday Special" episode of The Magic School Bus focuses on the importance of recycling, and includes guest star Dolly Parton (as the voice of Murph) singing four seasonal tunes by Peter Lurye. Just before school gets out for winter recess, Wanda prepares to attend the Nutcracker by bringing a toy soldier along with her. However, during a class trip to Murph's recycling plant, Wanda's toy gets recycled into bits of plastic. She cannot attend the Nutcracker without her toy, so she places the blame on recycling. Ms. Frizzle whips up a fun activity to teach Wanda the value of recycling, which ends up causing every recycled thing in town to fall apart -- including the magic school bus. The kids must fix the bus in order to get Wanda to the theatre in time to see the Nutcracker. ~ Andrea LeVasseur, All Movie Guide
The Magic School Bus: All Dried Up (Desert Adaptation)